Media Library

Through our work on cultures, countries and key global topics, we have developed an extensive proprietary and unique media library.

Our multimedia library includes video, audio, and photo content from more than 28 countries as follows.

Our video and photo footage represents the following countries:

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Botswana
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • China
  • Ecuador
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • Iceland
  • India
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • New Zealand
  • Peru
  • Russia
  • Singapore
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • UAE
  • United Kingdom
  • USA
  • Venezuela
  • Zimbabwe

Country Overview—Topics include geography, history, and government. We focus on developing images and footage that is global, relevant, and unique. We have hundreds of hours of broadcast-quality footage and thousands of images and text pages.

Our media library provides a cost- and time-efficient option for partners and customers seeking immediate media solutions. We’re continuing to expand our library with more countries and new footage. Contact us to learn more.

Content Themes

Our media library ranges from photos of the Great Wall and footage from the Galapagos and African safaris to daily business and personal interactions in countries around the world.

Our footage is extensive and covers many topics, including :

  • Animals and wildlife
  • People, children, ethnic scenes, interactions, values, beliefs, customs, holidays, religions and institutions, and daily life
  • Cultural nuances, communications, and interactions
  • Business, economics, management, meetings, and negotiations
  • Protocol, food, dining, socializing, gift-giving, and homes
  • Transportation, travel, getting around, currency, and tourism

CultureQuest also develops extensive content for the university and corporate learning markets with a focus on international business, management, and related curriculums.

Custom Content Development

In addition to rights-cleared video, audio, and text content, Atma Global is also available to create custom content and products to best meet the unique needs of our partners and clients.

If you would like samples or a price quote, please contact us.